Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Here We Go Again.

Yes, yes again.
I go through these phases where I let my nieces or friends convince me that I need to start dating.  I need to find someone.
Well, kids, that's easier said than done - as you may have seen from a few of my previous silly posts about what a nightmare the dating app scene can be.
I think sometimes I just continue to do it for comic relief.
I mean, c'mon how can you not get a kick out of a profile like this:

That's like 2 tickets to paradise right there - a guy willing to take you on a weekend getaway right away? (see what I mean? comedy gold)

But alas, there are only so many giggles you can mine before getting extremely depressed and disappointed.  I try to never have expectations of any situation or person but I think the disappointment stemmed from having expectations of the apps themselves.
The quality of the people I've met on there is questionable, at best. (quite a few scammers)
I will blog about one in particular that was hilarious - Chad (my ex-husband) was in awe about how persistent the guy was even though I totally called him on his scam!! stay tuned.

The best connections I've gotten off any of the apps were from guys who were straight up about only being on there for a hookup.
I appreciated the honesty.

The games, the endless texting, the ghosting after what seemed like a fairly decent date (in which they talked up hanging out again but turned out to be blatantly lying)
I have a tendency to take people at their word because I try to be an honest and straight forward person. I will admit a few of my apps linked through facebook have my wrong age (I give false info to fb because who tf are they that they need my info anyway?)
Usually a guy will ask if that's really my age.
Honestly, they usually think I'm younger which is weird - but I will tell them my real age.

Age is of no consequence to me; as many of you know.
Matching maturity level, interests and connection is way more important.
Most guys are totally cool with it - and some say they are cool with it but are not.
Nothing I can do about that.

So, I'm at that place where I have deleted all of my accounts/apps again because it's tiring and I am perfectly fine being by myself - I just think sometimes it would be nice to share time with another interesting human being with whom there is mutual attraction.

What I have discovered is that those people are not on apps - they are out in the real world and that's where I need to be too.

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