Thursday, February 24, 2022

The Choice

You're looking for a toy.

Not just any toy but one that will suit your needs perfectly.

One that will bring you joy.
One that makes you feel alive when you hold it.
One that you can display with pride.
One to cheer you up when you aren't feeling your best.

There are boxes of toys here. You begin the search.
Rooting around for a while, you bring up a toy from near the bottom of one of the boxes.

"IT'S PERFECT!" you think to yourself.
Satisfied that you found a great toy; bringing you such great joy upon its discovery.
You dance around with it smiling and singing a little tune.
You assign a pet name to your new found companion.

You set it up on the counter knowing you found a gem.
How did you get so lucky? You have been searching for a while now.

"Let me just peek in the next box." wanders through your mind so you turn back.
You really are satisfied with your choice but "what if...?"

You dive down into the next box shuffling the toys around and pull up a pretty good looking one. 
You hold it in your hand for a few seconds. You look at the price. You wonder if it will hold up because it doesn't seem quite as well put together as the other. 
After a few minutes, you drop it back in the box. 
You glance back at the toy on the counter.
"That's still the best one for me" you're thoroughly convinced.

Standing over another undisturbed box you decide you should probably not leave without at least inspecting a few of the offerings in there.  You dive down into the box and pull up two - one in each hand.
You compare them to each other - turning them over and over and considering all the possibilities.
You let one fall out of your hand back into the box knowing it is not a good one for you at all.
The other gets a moment's linger longer before it, too, falls back into the bin.
Why are you even looking at these other ones when you have such a great find waiting for you at the counter.

You finally decide to quit inspecting the remaining boxes and return to the counter.

"What happened to the toy I put up here? It was the perfect toy. Exactly what I needed!
Where did it go?!" you ask the cashier with agitation.

"I didn't think you were serious about it. You ignored it for so long and were distracted when I asked you about it. Busy messing around with all those other toys so I sold it to someone who knew immediately they couldn't live without it."

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